
Welcome to the cruel world

So I invented this game to play every time I start to feel sorry for myself. Every time I put on my fat jeans and they feel tight, every time that cute guy from the party doesn't call, everytime I get 2 parking tickets at an expired meter I play this little game called: How can it be worse?

Your boss get's to have $18 chopped salads everyday on the company. She also get's paid three times more than you, twice as much vacation time and comes in later and leaves earlier that you . You drive all over town to get coffee and copies and lunch at $3.00 a gallon (not re-imbursed). But it could be worse, you could have no job.

Your dog starts barfing and his overnight stay at the Vet costs as much as a high season plane ticket to Paris. But it could be worse, at least your dog back at home chewing on your shoe again.

Your 55-year-old divorced dad is dating someone 5 years your senior. But it could be worse, she could be younger than you.

" Screws fall out all the time. The World's an imperfect place." - Bender, The Breakfast Club


Blogger christianne said...

It could totally be worse. You could work at the mall.

9:26 AM  

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