
Fifa, Kakfa and other far east adventures

It's the morning of my lobotomy and I'm trying at the very least to put in one last comment before I am a completely different person with a completely shiny and new outlook on life. My love for The Metamorphosis seems an overwhelming theme in my life of late and transformational experiments have become my M.O. so here I am in NYC about to launch into another one. Details on that later - when I am no longer a giant cockroach. I always love coming here because you get a little bit of everything all at once. It's like living in a big Pu-Pu platter which is hard if you've recently given up meat, dairy and sugar. So I've decided to abandon some of my monastic ways at least while I'm here in and it's never tasted so good. This was decided after my futbol crazed little sister decided that we absolutely must watch the Brazil v. Croatia game in a brazilian bar with real fans and real drinks if only to relive a few moments of the greatest trip we've ever taken. Needless to say Brazil won, and that's about all that I remember apart from the 2 for 1 drink specials. Like riding a bike. However, in keeping with my metaphorical reflections on life, I will say that I like to think of myself as the messenger of summer as I arrived on a stormy stretch of spring, my bag packed with shorts and tanks in anticipation of hot and sticky afternoons in the park. A few sad and soggy days and hark the sun. The hot hot heat has begun just as I head into the next few days of lobotomy in a conference room with air-conditioning. But this is my change of the guard, the rolling of the tides, my spring into summer if you will.
That's the last of me. Next time you read this, I'll be all Shiny and New! my Brave New World is just around the bend.


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