What would you eat...
I love this country. I love that charring meat beyond recognition isn't carcinogenic enough but we also launch explosions in the air that will cause residual pollution for days and weeks to come and revel in the pretty lights in the sky all in the name of Independence. This week has been record breaking. I attended three weekend BBQ's but was alone to watch the 4th of July firework festivities from my front porch which was incidentally as far away from the couch as I could muster having stayed up all night on July 3rd drinking celebratory libations in a hot tub until 7am. I think it was 7 am. My watch is broken and coupled with my lack of a job and any reason to look at a clock 50 times in a minute I am usually without a single clue what time is it ever. My only hunch that it was at least 7 am was that it was officially daytime outside when I finally laid down to sleep. Daylight, not dawn or that moment when the sky is still black but suddenly you can see colors and not just shadows, it was daytime.
My actual 4th of July was spent lying down for the most part considering how much scotch I really did ingest and having the pervious evenings antics return in small enlightened moments. Hangovers really are enlightening - perhaps not in the traditional meditative way - but they do give you a lot of time to think about your life when you are in such pain that you can't move save to reach towards the door whispering "water". In my enlightened state of borderline starvation I realized that the only thing I really truly wanted to eat was a medium rare bone-in filet from Mastros. That's it. I am trying not to judge myself for this, especially given my recent re-up with vegetarianism. Understand that this craving for deliciousness had nothing to do with my feelings or moral obligations to cows. It was simply my most pure and human urge at the moment. So interesting the things you think about when you feel like you are about to die. At that moment I decided to abandon all principle and go for it. Instead I ate a piece of pizza that was left over from a 3 am Pink Dot order.
My actual 4th of July was spent lying down for the most part considering how much scotch I really did ingest and having the pervious evenings antics return in small enlightened moments. Hangovers really are enlightening - perhaps not in the traditional meditative way - but they do give you a lot of time to think about your life when you are in such pain that you can't move save to reach towards the door whispering "water". In my enlightened state of borderline starvation I realized that the only thing I really truly wanted to eat was a medium rare bone-in filet from Mastros. That's it. I am trying not to judge myself for this, especially given my recent re-up with vegetarianism. Understand that this craving for deliciousness had nothing to do with my feelings or moral obligations to cows. It was simply my most pure and human urge at the moment. So interesting the things you think about when you feel like you are about to die. At that moment I decided to abandon all principle and go for it. Instead I ate a piece of pizza that was left over from a 3 am Pink Dot order.
Don't feel bad sister. My first up with vegetarianism was almost foiled by a slice of chicken sausage grilled to perfection, alas, Jane saved me by snatching the last piece while I was mulling over this predicament.
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